About Us
Thornhill Resusciheart Center, known as the Life training center, was established in 2016 in Canada. Thornhill Resusciheart Center, authorized by Canada’s Heart and Stroke Foundation, provides Basic and advanced cardiac life support courses (BLS-ACLS) for healthcare providers across Canada to improve outcomes for adult patients experiencing a cardiovascular emergency.
The mission and Vision of this education center have been lifesaving, training health care professionals, and focusing on education in the field of cardiac life support.
On top of this, Thornhill Resusciheart Center has been proud to run several centers across Canada and the Middle East. We followed the mission and vision of HSF, which is saving a life.
Register In Courses
You can register for BLS and ACLS courses through the link below.
Just click on the link below to start registering.

In order to view each of these courses, you can click on one of the voting buttons below according to the year you completed your course and then according to the month and day as well as the city where you completed your course, the relevant information View your course.